October 22, 2011

GTA :Linberty city cheats

How to complete the game 100%:
100% Completion:
Below is a list of how to reach 100% completion, and what everything in the game is
worth (by percentage).

Ninety Story/Procedural Missions - 68%
Acquire each friend's special ability and do their activities - 10%
Win at each activity and mini-game - 5%
Find all random characters and complete their missions - 5%
Kill all thirty wanted persons - 2.5%
Complete all twenty vigilante crimes - 2.5%
Complete all fifty stunt jumps - 2.5%
Eliminate all two-hundred pigeons - 2.5%
Complete all thirty car thefts - 2%

Friendship Perks:

To unlock the perks of friendship with any given person below, reach the friendship level listed.

Brucie likes to bowl, drink, eat, go to strip clubs, shows, helirides and boating.
If you get his friendship level up to 70%, you can call Brucie and he'll dispatch a
helicopter to your location, allowing you to utilize it as you'd like.

Dwayne likes to go to strip clubs, eat, drink, go to shows and bowl. If you get his
friendship level up to 60%, you can call Dwayne and he'll send you a car full of
gang members that will follow you and help you out as you need them.

Little Jacob:
Little Jacob likes to play darts, go to shows, play billiards, drink, eat, and go
to strip clubs. If you get his friendship level up to 70%, you can call Little Jacob
and he'll drive a car to your location full of guns that you can purchase from him.

Packie likes to go to strip clubs and shows, play darts, drink, bowl and play billiards.
If you get his friendship level up to 75%, you can call Packie and he'll make you a
potent car bomb that you can use as you need it.

Roman likes to go bowling, play darts, go drinking, eat, play billiards, go to shows
and to strip clubs. If you get his friendship level up to 60%, you can call Roman and
he'll send you a free cab to use anywhere in the city.

Weapons from Jim (Lost and the Damned):

At the clubhouse you can call Jim to deliver certain weapons. Perform the actions below
to unlock the respective weapon:

Beat the "Bad Cop Drop" mission - Automatic Pistol
Beat the "Hit The Pipe" mission - Pipe Bombs


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